Healthcare Information Management Degree Online

Healthcare information management degree online is prepared you to work with patients and the public, manage data more efficiently, and provide valuable insight into important decisions that affect the future of your organization. The healthcare industry is rapidly transforming. The field is going through a major expansion in the face of demographic changes, new and emerging technologies and changing business models.

Healthcare Information Management Degree Online
Healthcare Information Management Degree Online

What is a Degree in Healthcare Information Management?

A degree in Healthcare Information Management (HIM) is a type of degree that prepares students for a career in the healthcare industry. Students who earn an HIM degree learn how to manage and use electronic health records, as well as how to coding medical procedures.

An HIM degree can be earned at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The curriculum for an HIM program typically includes coursework in medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, health care delivery systems, and pathophysiology. In addition, students take courses in computer science, information technology, and management.

Many students who earn an HIM degree go on to work in hospitals or other healthcare facilities. Some may also work in the insurance industry or for government agencies. Some graduates may even choose to start their own businesses.

How Much Money Can I Make with a Healthcare Information Management Degree Online?

If you’re looking for a degree that will lead to a high-paying career, healthcare information management is a great choice. With a healthcare information management degree online, you can prepare for a rewarding career in the healthcare industry.

Healthcare information managers are in high demand, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment in this field will grow by 15% from 2016 to 2026.1 With an online healthcare information management degree, you can qualify for many different positions, including health information technician, medical records coordinator, and medical coding specialist.

The median annual salary for health information managers was $99,730 in 2017,2 and medical coding specialists earned a median annual salary of $39,180 in 2016.3 With an online healthcare information management degree, you can prepare for a high-paying career in the healthcare industry.

What Can You Do with an HIM Degree?

An HIM degree provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to work in healthcare settings managing patient medical records. With an HIM degree, one can find a career in a hospital, clinic, or other healthcare facility. Many times, those with an HIM degree work with electronic health records (EHRs) and help to maintain compliance with state and federal regulations.

Type of Career Paths for Healthcare Information Management Graduates

There are many different types of career paths that healthcare information management graduates can choose to pursue. Some common options include working in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities as medical records specialists, coding specialists, or health information technicians. Additionally, many healthcare information management graduates go on to work in the insurance industry or in government agencies that deal with health data.

How Can I Get a Healthcare Information Management Degree Online?

There are many reasons why someone might want to get a healthcare information management degree online. Perhaps they live in a rural area and the nearest college is several hours away. Or maybe they have young children at home and can’t afford to take time off from work to attend classes on campus. Whatever the reason, there are now many accredited colleges and universities that offer healthcare information management degrees online.

So how does one go about getting a Healthcare information management degree online? The first step is to research programs to find one that is accredited and has a curriculum that meets your needs. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, the next step is to contact the admissions office of the schools you’re interested in to find out more about their program and what their admissions requirements are.

If you’re worried about not being able to complete an online program because of lack of self-discipline, don’t be. Many students find that they actually learn better when they have more flexibility in their schedule and can study at times that work best for them. Plus, most online programs offer plenty of support from instructors and other students through discussion forums and chat rooms.


A degree in healthcare information management can open up a world of opportunity for you. With this type of degree, you’ll be able to work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and even insurance companies. You’ll also be able to earn a good salary, with the potential to grow even further in your career. And best of all, you can get this degree online from the comfort of your own home. So why not get started today?

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