Bureau Of Emigration And Overseas Employment Jobs | BEOE Jobs 2023 Apply Online

Open vacancies in Pakistan’s (Bureau Of Emigration And Overseas Employment Jobs | BEOE Jobs 2023 Apply Online ) would employ both men and women from around the country. It is searching for energetic, results-oriented, and motivated individuals to fill a variety of open positions. beoe gov pk foreign jobs

Hiring: Agency Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment

Gender: Male/Female

Education : From primary education to graduation

Seats: 24+ total seats

Scale: BS-01 through BS-15

Category: Contract

Salary range: 20,000-40,000

Age: 18 to 25 years old

Last day to apply is 15 days after the advertising is published.

Download the BEOE jobs 2023 advertisement and the required application form from the official website at beoe gov pk foreign jobs.

The post is quite useful for individuals who are jobless and looking for work as data entry operators, LDC, UDC, assistants, drivers, labor, housekeepers, sweepers, or Naib Qasid. For greater satisfaction, look at the job titles listed below.

Vacant Posts:

  1. Assistant BPS-15
  2. Data Entry Operator BPS-14
  3. Upper Division Clerk BPS-11
  4. Lower Division Clerk BPS-09
  5. Driver BPS-04
  6. Naib Qasid BPS-01
  7. Chokidar BPS-01
  8. Sweeper BPS-01

BEOE Jobs 2023 Apply Online Bureau of Immigration

Candidates from Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Baluchistan, AJK, and GB can apply using their regional quotas and open merit.

The BEOE jobs 2023 advertisement mentions quotas for general, disabled, minorities, and women. For BEOE’s most recent employment 2023 BPS-1 to PBS-15, the needed qualification is primary to graduation.

All jobs are on a contract basis, and selected individuals have no claim to permanent employment.
Apply Online

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